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With access to a huge range of products from over a hundred investment companies, LPG has all the tools, knowledge and experience to put together a portfolio that is right for you.  One of five LPG financial advisors consult with clients when making investment decisions and provide expert advice at no charge.  In everything we do, we are committed to assisting our client's in meeting their goals and objectives, by always putting their needs first.

A well dressed man looking at a computer.

Mutual Funds

LPG has five fully qualified financial advisors to help you evaluate and select the right mutual fund for your portfolio.  Ask one of our advisors how industry-leading managed portfolios can provide you with unmatched diversification for your portfolio.

Mutual funds are distributed through Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.

*Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

A couple discussing their finances at a table.


We offer short- and long-term guaranteed investment certificates from a wide variety of CDIC-insured companies. We ensure that you get the best rates available through our Canada-wide rate shopping service. Please call us at 204-622-7640 for today’s best rate.

Three people holding papers and talking.

High Interest Savings Accounts

High interest, no minimum balance, liquid savings accounts are available through our association with various suppliers.

A man gives a presentation to a group of people. His chart shows a graph trending upwards.

Pension Rollovers

If you ever find yourself having to deal with complex issues involved in a Pension Rollover when you retire or change employers, we know the legislation to help you make informed decisions.

A group of people discussing a chart, sitting at a board room table.

Registered Accounts

RRSPs, RRIFs, RDSP's, RESPs, LIF's, PRIF's and LIRAs provide a wide range of investment options and all are available from a wide variety of sources. Ask us for more information.

Coworkers behind a glass window sitting at a table, each with a computer.

Self Directed Plan

A Self-directed account is a type of account for which the plan administrator is the dealer. Monies are held at the financial institution by the dealer in trust for the client. In a Self-directed account, one can hold mutual funds, segregated funds and fixed income products in Canadian dollars only. A Self-directed account must always contain the necessary assets to cover payments to be made in disbursement plans. In the case where cash assets are insufficient, a redemption with fees will be carried out.

Mutual funds are distributed through Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.

Two people hold pencils over charts and graphs.

Fee For Service Plan

The fee for service account option gives advisors the option to unbundle their financial advice from the commissions they receive from mutual fund sales. Instead, the advisors' compensation is paid directly by the investor in the form of a negotiable annual fee which is paid monthly. This approach will appeal to affluent investors who are becoming increasingly knowledgeable and sophisticated. These discerning investors are looking for options beyond high-fee mutual funds and the traditional commission-based investment model, yet continue to value professional financial advice. Fee for service gives these investors access to lower-fee investment funds while retaining advisors' valued financial advisory services.

Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. (DFSI) is not providing the financial planning service and will not be supervising this activity. You should not rely on DFSI for review of the plan. DFSI is neither charging, nor being paid any fees for this service and will not be liable for any errors or omissions. This Financial Planning Service is done solely through Love and Persson Group.

*Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

*The content of this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide individual financial, tax, or investment advice. In addition this information is only intended for residents of provinces where LPG is registered to do business (Manitoba).

Statements are based on material believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed to be accurate or complete.

Particular investment or trading strategies should be evaluated relative to each individual's objective.